Legal  Department
At the Legal  Department of the Shipping Association of IRAN, we are ready to provide legal consulting, specialized expertise, mediation, and arbitration services in international transportation, particularly in maritime matters.

Legal Department

In the Legal Department of the Shipping Association of IRAN, we are ready to provide legal consultation, specialized expertise, mediation, and arbitration services in international transportation matters, particularly maritime.


Areas of Activity of the Legal and Litigation Department
Shipping Association of IRAN

online Legal Consultation and Assistance
In the Legal Consultation and Assistance section, we provide Online(via website) legal advice to all companies, both members and non-members, with a focus on contract-related matters.

Mediation and Dispute Resolution Committee
The Mediation and Dispute Resolution Committee is another legal responsibility of the Association, which, as part of the inherent duties of professional organizations, seeks to reconcile and facilitate peace and settlement between conflicting parties.

Specialized Arbitration
In the Arbitration section of the Association, in the presence of an arbitration clause referring to the Iranian Shipping Association, disputes between the parties are referred to the Association’s specialized arbitrators in the field of maritime transportation, and the award is issued by them.

Dispute Resolution Council
The “Dispute Resolution Council, Branch No. 2608,” in accordance with its legal authority, refers specialized cases related to maritime and port disputes to the Legal and Litigation Department of the Association based on the need.

Advantages of the Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Authority of the Iranian Shipping and Related Services Association:

  • Maximizing the rights of clients:

    1. Significantly shorter proceeding time
    2. Lower costs
    3. Flexible scheduling of the Legal procedure 
    4. Opportunity for each party to appoint their arbitrator
  • A specialized team of arbitrators with academic qualifications and years of professional experience in the field of transportation, particularly maritime.

How to Benefit from Arbitration/Mediation/Expertise Services?

Completion of the Arbitration/Mediation Request Form

Review of Case Documents and Examination of the Arbitration/Mediation Clause

Notification of Costs to the Claimant and a 3-Day Deadline for Payment

Sending the Complaint to the Defendant

Completion of the Case:

  1. Introduction of the Selected Arbitrator (Deadline: 5 days)
  2. Sending Physical Documents (Deadline: 10 days)

List of Arbitrators

Finalization of the Arbitration Panel

  • Setting the session date
  • Notification to the parties and arbitrators

Holding the Session

Announcement and Notification of the Arbitration Outcome within 15 Days (If no further session is required, etc.)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. In the first step, you can fully describe the dispute in a letter on your company’s letterhead, signed and stamped by the authorized signatories, and send it along with all supporting documents in a PDF file to the Association’s email address at

    Note: To expedite follow-ups, please make sure to include your email address and direct contact number, as well as the contact details of the company/person involved in the dispute, in the letter you send.

  2. In the second step, your letter will be registered with the Secretariat (within a maximum of 48 hours) and forwarded to the Association’s Legal Department.

    This department will take action on your letter and request the other party to respond within 7 working days regarding the raised issue.

  3. At the end of the 7-day period, if the company/person involved in the dispute has responded, we will send their response to you (to the email address mentioned in your letter).

    If they haven’t responded, or if their response is unsatisfactory and the issue remains unresolved, you can choose one of the Association’s arbitration/mediation/expertise processes based on the provided explanations.

    Important Note: If deemed necessary and you meet the required conditions, you can skip to arbitration or mediation right from the beginning to shorten the timeline. However, keep in mind that each stage of arbitration or mediation requires a fee. Our experience in the Legal Department shows that many issues are resolved during the initial administrative correspondence, and legal processes may not be necessary.

In the case of an initial agreement regarding the Association’s jurisdiction for dispute resolution in the contracts between the parties:
(Generally, include the arbitration clause of the Association in the container agreement, etc.)

In the case of a secondary agreement by the parties for arbitration through the Association after a dispute arises, the parties can sign the Association’s arbitration agreement.

You can access and review all the regulations and circulars of the Association through this link.

قوانین حل اختلاف داوری

انجمن کشتیرانی و خدمات وابسته ایران

اعضای شورا باید دارای شرایط زیر باشند:
الف ـ متدین به دین مبین اسلام
ب ـ تابعیت جمهوری اسلامی‌ایران
پ ـ التزام عملی به قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران و ولایت مطلقه فقیه
ت ـ حسن شهرت به امانت و دیانت و صحت عمل
ث ـ عدم استفاده از مشروبات الکلی و عدم اعتیاد به مواد مخدر یا روانگردان





درصد رضایت

درخواست آموزش

List of judges of the center

In accordance with the Arbitration Regulations of the Iranian Shipping and Related Services Association Arbitration Center, the following is a list of individuals available for selection as exclusive arbitrators for the parties involved. The specialized fields of the arbitrators include "Container Operations," "Port Operations, Unloading, Loading, and Cargo Counting," "Liquid Bulk Operations," "Documents, Records, and Commercial Processes," "Chartering and Stakeholder Responsibilities," "Dry Bulk Operations," "General Cargo Operations," "Container Yard and Cargo Storage Operations," "Insurance," and "Shipping." Each party may select an arbitrator from the relevant specialized field based on the subject matter at hand. It is understood that the decision to choose and utilize an exclusive arbitrator lies with the claimant/defendant. Additionally, the appointment of an exclusive arbitrator outside of this list is permissible. However, this notice should not be considered as an endorsement of the individuals listed, nor as a rejection of others.
1- The Arbitration Center of the Iranian Shipping and Related Services Association is independent. 2- The provided list does not impose any commitment or liability on the center. 3- Arbitrators have no employment relationships with the Association or the Arbitration Center.

List of judges of the center

RowImageNameSpecialized FieldsEmail
1Alireza Cheshm JahanContainer Operations, Port Operations, Loading/Unloading & Cargo Counting, Container Yard Operations & Cargo
2Alireza SateiContainer Operations, Liquid Bulk Operations, Port Operations, Loading/Unloading & Cargo Counting, General Cargo Operations, Container Yard Operations & Cargo Storage, Forwarding,
3Amir Ali BorjiContainer Operations, Port Operations, Loading/Unloading & Cargo Counting, Container Yard Operations & Cargo Storage,
4Amir Ali RahmatiContainer Operations, Liquid Bulk Operations, General Cargo Operations, Container Yard Operations & Cargo Storage,
5Farhad Al MoazzazContainer Operations, Port Operations, Loading/Unloading & Cargo Counting, Documents & Commercial Processes, Container Yard Operations & Cargo Storage,
6Fatemeh JamshidiContainer Operations, Finance & Banking, Documents & Commercial Processes, Chartering & Stakeholder Responsibilities, Container Yard Operations & Cargo Storage, Shipping (Commercial - Navigation - Inspection), Forwarding,
7Gholamreza Motadin EtemadiContainer Operations, Finance & Banking, Documents & Commercial Processes, Chartering & Stakeholder Responsibilities, Dry Bulk Operations, General Cargo Operations,
8Gopal SharmaContainer Operations, Documents & Commercial Processes,
9Hadi BakhtiContainer Operations, Liquid Bulk Operations, Port Operations, Loading/Unloading & Cargo Counting, Finance & Banking, Documents & Commercial Processes, Chartering & Stakeholder Responsibilities, Dry Bulk Operations, General Cargo Operations, Container Yard Operations & Cargo Storage, Insurance,
10Hamid RasouliContainer Operations, Forwarding &
11Hassan Khodabakhshi PalandiContainer Operations, Port Operations, Loading/Unloading & Cargo Counting, Chartering & Stakeholder Responsibilities, Insurance, Shipping (Commercial - Navigation - Inspection), Customs Affairs,
12Hossein Naji PourContainer Operations, Liquid Bulk Operations, Documents & Commercial Processes, Chartering & Stakeholder Responsibilities, Dry Bulk Operations, General Cargo Operations, Shipping (Commercial - Navigation - Inspection), Customs Affairs, Forwarding,
13Lida HaffariContainer Operations, Documents & Commercial Processes, Forwarding,
14Mahmoodreza ShahmatiContainer Operations, Documents & Commercial Processes,
15Mahsa AkbariLiquid Bulk Operations, Chartering & Stakeholder Responsibilities, Dry Bulk
16Masoud AbediniContainer Operations, Finance & Banking, Documents & Commercial Processes, Chartering & Stakeholder Responsibilities, Dry Bulk Operations, General Cargo Operations,
18Milad Hosseini BaloochiChartering & Stakeholder Responsibilities,
19Mohammad ZokaeiContainer Operations, Forwarding,
20Omid Fayyazi ShadiContainer Operations, Port Operations, Loading/Unloading & Cargo Counting, Documents & Commercial Processes, Chartering & Stakeholder Responsibilities, Dry Bulk Operations, General Cargo Operations, Container Yard Operations & Cargo Storage,
21Rasool RezazadehContainer Operations, Liquid Bulk Operations, Port Operations, Loading/Unloading & Cargo Counting, Chartering & Stakeholder Responsibilities, Dry Bulk Operations, General Cargo Operations, Container Yard Operations & Cargo Storage, Shipping (Commercial - Navigation - Inspection), Customs Affairs, Forwarding,
22Sasan SakiArbitration and Expertise in Shipbuilding &
23Siamak AboualiContainer Operations, Port Operations, Loading/Unloading & Cargo Counting, Container Yard Operations & Cargo
25Siamak Rahimi TarehContainer
26Soheyla SharafiDocuments & Commercial Processes, Insurance, Shipping (Commercial - Navigation - Inspection)